Professional Activities


  1. Member - IEEE

  2. Member - IEEE Communications Society

  3. Member - IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

TPC Member

  1. IEEE ANTS 2018

  2. IEEE ANTS 2019

  3. IEEE ACTS 2020


  1. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

  2. IEEE Internet of Things Journal

  3. IEEE Systems Journal

  4. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

  5. IEEE Access

  6. IET Communications

  7. Elsevier Int. J. of Electronics & Communications

  8. Taylor Francis Int. J. of Electronics


  1. IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum-2020

  2. NCECC-2020, NIT Jamshedpur

  3. IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland

  4. SCES-2020, MNNIT, Allahabad

  5. EPREC-2020, NIT Jamshedpur

  6. IEEE VTC 2019 Fall, Honolulu, Hawaii

  7. IEEE VTC-2017 Spring, Sydney

  8. IEEE VTC-2018 Spring, Porto, Portugal

  9. IEEE VTC-2018 Fall, Chicago

  10. IEEE TENCON-2016, Singapore

  11. IEEE ANTS-2017, IISc Bangalore

  12. ISWCS-2018, Lisbon, Portugal

Workshops Attended/Organized

  1. Indo-Canada SPARC-Workshop on RF Energy Harvesting Systems, 17-21 July 2020.

  2. Internet of Things (System Configuration Perspectives), IIIT Allahabad, 20th June 2020.

  3. Outcome Based Education & Accreditation (WOBEA 2018), NIT Silchar, 30 Sep - 1 Oct, 2018

  4. Networks & Software Architecture, IIT Kanpur, 15-16 Sep 2018.

  5. One-week Summer School on Antenna and Microwave Engineering (SUSAME-2018), NIT Silchar, 23 - 27 July, 2018.